Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lucyfire [Swe]

LucyFire is the sideproject of Tiamat slacker Johan Edlund.

LucyFire will play for food.

The debut album "This Dollar Saved My Life At Whitehorse" (released in 2001) was produced by Tiamat producer Dirk "Diggler" Draeger and among the gifted musicians appearing on the album, you'll find drummer Bertram Engel who has played with Robert Palmer and Bruce Springsteen (that blond guy in the Hungry Hearts video).

Rumours say that "that" silver dollar is the only cash Johan has left from the LucyFire moneymaking machine, which makes us all believe in - and hope for - a new LucyFire album quite soon. Guy's gotta eat! In fact he already started... Guy's hungry! Grrr...

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