Monday, November 17, 2008

Dreamtiger [US]

Dreamtiger - Glisten EP 2008

"Dreamtiger is a band better described through poetic devices than through comparisons. Their first EP entitled Glisten is an ambient creation swathed in reverb and within the first line, becomes the soundtrack to indie romance. "

"Even though there's a lot of similarity to the Cocteau Twins' floaty harmonies, the band doesn't give off one of those "We're tyring to be British" vibes. Still, it's not easy to find a local comparison. It's been a while since we got any shoegazer type music sent over here. So it's a pleasant surprise that this five-song EP is full of lush, atmospheric songs. There are pretty melodies and boy-girl harmonies making it easy to get lost into. But what's surprising is that as soft as the music appears on the surface, there's an undertone of toughness thanks to heavy guitars and strong vocals."

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