Monday, March 2, 2009

Her Vanished Grace [US]

Her Vanishing Grace - Blue (2009)

Her Vanished Grace bring you their brand of imaginative guitar rock. Nance and Chas Nieland, along with Maria Theodosiadou and Billy Loose continue to explore the terrain of sweet melodies and biting guitars. The powerful rhythms of Billy and Maria anchor the soaring textures while Nance and Chas spin tales of mystery and regret.

HVG 's new recording BLUE (2009) is dark urgent pop singed with white noise. They've crafted a sweetly menlacholic tableau of vivid memories with lush vocals and simmering tension. With Nance and Charlie’s guitar textures veering from candy colored swirl to vintage ‘60s bite, this is the blend of old and new that the band has been striving for. Click the link below to preview and purchase the new CD.

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