Thursday, August 14, 2008

Opera Multi Steel [Fra]

Opera Multi Steel began your activities in 1983, in the city of Bourges, located in the central part of France. Of the first formation of the band they made part the siblings Franck (I lower, vocal and keyboards) and Patrick Lopez (vocal and keyboards), besides Catherine Marie (vocal, keyboard and percussion). Before they deciding to create him/it it Operates Multi Steel, Franck and Patrick they participated in bands with proposed musical different. Franck Lopez was integral of a called folkloric band Avaric, together with Eric Milhiet that later would be invited to integrate OMS as bear and guitarist. Already Patrick, did vocal in a band of style called ebm/electro Afghanistan. In 1987 they would also start to integrate the band guitarist Xavier Martin, that would participate in few recordings. Besides him, the band counted in elapsing of your career with the several invited musicians’ presence, to example of Carine Grieg, vocalist of the band arnel Collection Andréa.

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